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Volunteer Opportunities

All board members, coaches, and directors are volunteers.  These individuals work year-round to keep the Warrior Track & Field Program running.  Since this is all done on a volunteer basis, your help is CRITICAL for this program to be a success.  To encourage volunteerism, there is a $200 volunteer fee that will be refunded at the end of season if eight (8) hours of volunteer service are completed. Volunteer hours are completed by helping at meets and/or practices. Some jobs can be completed at home. There will be a method online to sign up for volunteer jobs the week before the meet takes place. Please be sure to sign in on the volunteer sign-in sheet at meets to get credit for your volunteer hours. Below is a list of some volunteer positions:

Warriors Volunteers

Volunteer Coordinator
Nurse/Doctor at Practice & Meets
PA Announcer at Meets
Staging Lead at Meets
Equipment Manager
EZ Up Transporter for Meets
Spirit Wear/Uniforms
Lost & Found/Trash Pick-up
Bathroom Escorts at Practices
Candy Distrubutor
Tag Distributor
Ribbon Distributor
Academic Awards- Distributed End of Season

Volunteer Background Check

If you will be on the coaching, on the field or working with the athletes directly you will need to do a background check. Please email the paperwork and receipt for reinbursement to the Warriors Treasurer at, thank you.

Volunteers Make a Difference

Thank you to our fabulous volunteers who dedicate their time to the success of the Warriors program and it's athletes. Every task that each volunteer helps with makes our program great.  If you are interested in helping a particular capacity, age group or field event please contact us at